
11 Feb 2014

Full body workout

If you are looking for a sport where you can work hard, have fun, burn lots of calories, and get better mental discipline, kickboxing may be right for you. 
Kickboxing works every muscle in your body

With kickboxing, you get a full body workout. That is because, like the name implies, there are boxing moves like jabs, crosses, hooks, and other punches, as well as kicking moves like front kicks, sidekicks, and roundhouse kicks. There also may be elbow strikes and clinches involved, as well as more intricate moves. Because kickboxing involves finesse, and what can be intricate moves, that are more than brute strength, it is a great workout that works the mind as well as the body.

Other things you learn from kickboxing are how to block, and how to have good footwork. It can keep you active on your feet, which, if you have a job that requires you to stand for hours, could be a terrific benefit.

Generally speaking, a kickboxing class starts with a warm up, then some cardio activities to get your blood racing. There may also be some stretching involved. Then you do some activities with punches and kicks, as per the name of kickboxing!

You may also get to work with kickboxing specific equipment like heavy bags, Thai pads, focus mitts, and you may also get to use strength and conditioning equipment such as kettle bells, medicine balls, jump ropes and ab wheels. How much and how often you use the equipment depends upon what class you are in, and how advanced you are.

When you take a kickboxing class, make sure that you are “coachable” – willing to listen to instructions. But also make sure that your instructor is somebody who is a good teacher. Otherwise, you could find yourself not getting all you can out of the class. 

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