
6 Feb 2014

Sleepbox gives weary travelers a place to rest their heads

Sometimes even the travel-weary budget flier would pay just about anything for a couple of hours sleep after a long haul flight in “cattle class” - which is where the Sleepbox concept comes in. Imagine your joy at spotting one of these comfy cocoons at the airport lounge while you’ve got a few hours between connecting flights. Or if you’ve arrived late at night in a strange land and don’t want to risk finding a hotel room in the dark – or the lone cab driver parked in the shadows of the airport or train station. Check into the Sleepbox and you could be on cloud nine before your head hits the pillow.

Looking a little more spacious than the Nemorelax, the Sleepbox concept is a small mobile space that measures 2m x 1.4m x 2.3m (h) with a bed 2m x 0.6 and offers more convenience than just a place to catch some Zs. Designed by Arch Group’s Russian architects Alexey Goryainov and Mikhail Krymov, the Sleepbox is equipped with a desk, a built-in LCD TV, WiFi, wall-sockets for laptops and recharging cell phones, etc, ventilation and has storage space for luggage. There’s even a drink dispenser for re-hydration.
And don’t worry about dirty sheets and pillows. The room automatically changes the bed when the occupant exits. Visitors can sleep on a flexible strip of foamed polymer with a surface of pulp tissue that is rewound from one shaft to another, like hand towels in a bathroom. Proper bed linen costs you more.
Clients could purchase time inside the Sleepbox from 15 minutes to several hours.
There is also a hostel version of the Sleepbox that provides basic functions and is equipped only with a bunk bed, electrical outlets and lighting. It is envisaged that the hostel sleeping quarters would be one large room filled with Sleepboxes instead of lots of rooms with one or two beds in them.
The Sleepboxes could also be re-arranged for different layouts when required.

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